University College London research news on Climate change

Climate-change-triggered 2023 mega-landslide caused Earth to vibrate for nine days

Perceptions of supernatural beings reveal feelings about good and bad in humans  research news by University of Waterloo

Perceptions of supernatural beings reveal feelings about good and bad in humans

Engineers uncover the secrets of fish fins research news by University of Colorado at Boulder at Plenareno Events

Engineers uncover the secrets of fish fins

Fine particulate air pollution associated with higher risk of dementia research news by University of Washington

Fine particulate air pollution associated with higher risk of dementia

Climate change to bring more intense storms across Europe news by Newcastle University at Plenareno Conferences

Climate change to bring more intense storms across Europe

Possible signs of life on Saturn’s moon Enceladus research news by University of Arizona at Plenareno Conferences

Possible signs of life on Saturn’s moon Enceladus

A new type of Homo unknown to science research by Tel Aviv University at Plenareno Conferences

A new type of Homo unknown to science

Scientists detect signatures of life remotely research news by University of bern at Plenareno Conferences

Scientists detect signatures of life remotely

Short breaks might help our brain learn skills by NIH News at Plenareno Conferences blog

How taking short breaks might help our brain learn skills - Study finds

Ozone layer news by KAUST at Plenareno Conferences Science blog

Ozone layer destroyed by Ancient Volcanic Eruption

McGill threespine stickleback news at Plenareno Conferences Science blogs

Which animals will survive climate change?

Ohio university milkyway news at plenareno conferences blog

New evidence of how and when the Milky Way came together

Brown University and Plenareno Engineering Conferences new blog about mars

Mars has right ingredients for present-day microbial life beneath its surface, study finds

how hummingbirds hum research by Eindhoven University of Technology and Stanford University

How hummingbirds hum

Nitrous Oxide emissions pose an increasing climate threat blog at plenareno conferences

Nitrous Oxide emissions pose an increasing climate threat, finds breakthrough study